Hello Theta Alpha!
On behalf of the National Board, we hope that everyone has been enjoying their Fall season and is getting excited for the holidays! We have some exciting updates from the local chapters regarding our new sisters. Before that though, a couple of reminders/updates:
Welcome our newest officers to the National Board!
Returning Officers:
These officers are returning to the board in new positions!

Welcome our newest serving sisters!

Hi everyone! My name is Emily, I graduated from UCF with my bachelor's in health science and I'm currently a full-time nanny! This is my first position on the national board and I could not be more thankful to be nominated for it. Even though my time as an active was short, I truly gained such great friends and grew tremendously in my walk with the Lord. Because of this, I feel so passionate about serving others in Theta Alpha in this role.

Hi! I rushed Beta in the spring of 2021 (go gators!) and graduated from UF in the summer of 2021 with my BA in Criminology. Due to my short time spent as an active within Theta Alpha, I am super excited to serve as the National Alumnae Chairwoman to be able to give back to such a great community. I recently relocated to North Carolina for work and have been extremely lucky in finding a church that I love and a good community with my friends and coworkers.
As we welcome our new National Alumnae Chairwoman and Beta Chapter Representative to the National Board, we encourage you to get to know them! If you have any questions or needs regarding our local chapters please direct your questions, comments, and requests to alumnaechairwoman@thetaalpha.org OR chapterrepresentative@thetaalpha.org. Our local officers are hard at work serving their local sisterhoods and being college students, messages sent to our local chapters via email, DMs, or other means may be missed or redirected to Nationals. Thank you!
Semester Events & Updates:
Fall Retreat:
This semester, we discussed the importance of resting in God and taking time to let Him have all the control. We had lots of fun at Lake Wauburg painting pumpkins, making friendship bracelets, paddle boating, enjoying the sunshine, and writing sweet notes to each other! We also got to sit around a bonfire and enjoy s'mores together while worshipping God.
Initiation: We have initiated 9 new members into our Beta chapter! We love our new Pearls so much!
AG Meetings:
Our AG groups have loved getting together and meeting all over UF's campus!
Bible study with Kappa Phi and Phi Lamb:

We love meeting together and discussing God's word!
Service Event:

Clean up Gainesville service event!
Gator Game Day:
We love cheering on the Gators!

Phi Lamb surprised us with sweet encouragement and love by popping in with cookies and game day pins!
Upcoming Event: Alumni Brunch - Please RSVP by filling out this form by Friday, November 6th! More details can be found in the image below.

Semester Events & Updates:
Big/Little Reveal:

We are excited to share that we had 14 new Big/Little pairings with 2 sets of twins!
We have initiated 17 new members into the delta chapter. We are beyond blessed to have amazing girls who are on fire for God!
Family Weekend:

During UCF's Family Weekend, we held our Family Day. Our members stopped by our tailgate tent with their families before the Football game for some yummy snacks and some fun games!

We held our Semi-Formal towards the end of October. We had a Disco/Mama Mia theme, and it was so much fun!! We ate some good food, Chick-fil-a OF COURSE, and had such a great time dancing!
Dress Up Chapters:

We have had so much fun during our "dress-down" chapters this semester! We had one towards the beginning of October themed "Country vs Country Club" and our girls LOVED it.
Please contact the respective chapter secretary for information on local chapter events that are open to you as alumni!
Rachel Farmer - Beta Secretary: ufthetaalphasecretary@gmail.com
Hannah D'Avanzo - Delta Secretary: thetaalphadelta@gmail.com
Our new Beta and Delta sisters, that their faith be multiplied as they are poured into by our active sisters.
Big/little relationships and for the Lord's hand to be over each discipleship as they grow in their knowledge of the word together.
Our Local Officers, that they are poured into by their local church communities, actives, and mentors on the National Board and lead from an overflow. May Christ sustain them as they continue to carry out their responsibilities as officers.
Our local sisters at the Beta Chapter as they approach a mid-semester election. That the Lord stir in their hearts and provide future leaders.
Delta's retreat is the weekend of November 3rd-November 5th. Prayers for God honoring conversations, open hearts for vulnerability, and that the Holy Spirit speak through the speaker.
Stay tuned for more Theta Alpha updates and as always, keep reminding your sisters to create their accounts.
Thank you!