Hi Friends! 🌷
My name is Krystal. I am the current National Chaplain of Theta Alpha. It is so nice to meet you, if we haven't already met!
I am entering my second year on the National Board and I am truly humbled by the opportunity to serve you all for the Lord's glory.
Fun Things to Note About Me:
-Born: Arecibo, PR 🇵🇷
-Alma Mater: University of Central Florida! (Go Knights! Charge On! ⚡️🖤💛)
-Home Chapter: Delta
-Pledge Class: PC Spring 2015
-Family: LOH Fam 👠
-Current City: Orlando, FL 🌴
-Occupation: Market Research Analyst at Avant Healthcare Professionals
-Life Verses: Hebrews 6:19-20; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
-Favorite Theta Alpha Memories:
Fall Retreat 2016: It always amazed me how the Lord could deepen our relationships with Him and one another at Retreat. It was my honor to serve as the local Delta Chaplain in 2016-2017 and the Retreat Committee I had the honor to partner with for this event truly continues to be one of the greatest examples of what it looks like to have a servant heart for the Lord.
Missions Trip 2017 with Praying Pelicans Missions: In 2017, we were able to host the first Theta Alpha Delta Mission Trip to Miami. It had been a while since we went on a Missions Trip and it truly was a joy to serve the Lord alongside my sisters in Christ & Theta Alpha in partnership with Praying Pelicans!
National Summit 2021: As a National Chaplain, I get the opportunity to plan both our Strategic Leadership Conference & our National Summit! This was the first Summit I put together as a National Chaplain and I am truly grateful the Lord bestowed on me such an honor. It was such an incredible time of discipleship & Theta Alpha fun and connecting with Local Officers is always a beautiful blessing.
In my day to day life, I love spending time with my Fiancé and my goldendoodle gal, Penny. I also love serving the Lord in all the different capacities in my life! When not at home, you will likely catch me at Disney, serving the Lord at Church and Theta Alpha, and catching up with friends over hours-long dinners (I love chatting!).
Want to connect with me? Outside of this website, here are the best forms:
Theta Alpha National Email:
Instagram: @krystalmariechico
Thank you for coming by my profile! Looking forward to connecting with Active & Alumnae sisters all across Theta Alpha and the USA! Thank you for the opportunity to serve you all! 💛
I pray the Lord continues to be your steadfast anchor. May you continue to glorify the Lord, wherever He has led you!
Here are a few of my favorite Theta Alpha memories over the years! 💛

Glory to Christ Alone,
Krystal Chico
National Chaplain
- Delta AlumnaeSister was a graduate of the Delta chapter of Theta Alpha.
- Former Nat. OfficerThis sister served as a former member of our National Board.
- Former Local OfficerThis sister previously served as an officer of her local chapter of Theta Alpha.