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Join date: Sep 9, 2021


Hi ladies!

My name is Annaliesa and I am very excited to meet you! A little bit about me:

I currently live in Orlando, FL and work as an engineer. I've helped build the magic at our themed parks and now work to protect it! I love all things The Office and Harry Potter. Cookbooks and Zumba bring me joy. I love being outside and surprisingly, summer is my favorite season!

I joined Theta Alpha in Fall 2011 at the University of Florida (Go Gators!), thanks to a sweet sister in my "History of Rock and Roll" class. I loved Retreats, but especially Family Weekends, showing my own family why I loved Theta Alpha!

I have had the privilege of serving as your National President since September 2019. I've loved connecting with sisters, especially encouraging and equipping our current active sisters!

Say hello and I'd love to meet with you!


  • Beta Alumnae
    Sister was a graduate of the University of Florida chapter of Theta Alpha.
  • Former Nat. Officer
    This sister served as a former member of our National Board.


First Name
Last Name

Annaliesa Watters

Beta Alumnae
Former Nat. Officer
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